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23, Jan

Am i getting the full value of what my injury claim is...

By Omid Rejali, Esq. If you have been involved in a car accident, bicycle accident, truck accident or have been injured as a result of someone else's careless behavior, the law allows you to be compensated for all of your past and future medical care, all of your past and future loss of earning...

16, Jan

How to maximize your personal injury award?

We are always asked how can I maximize my San Diego personal injury award? If you have been injured, generally you are dealing with an insurance adjuster. The unfortunate truth is that insurance adjusters do not look at us as humans. For them, we are all just a number, and...

01, Apr

Court Of Appeal Solidifies Importance Of Psychotherapist-Patient Privilege

In Kirchmeyer v. Phillips, the California Court of Appeal for the third district once again solidified the importance of the psychotherapist-patient privilege against an unwarranted investigatory subpoena for production of patient’s records. Kimberly Kirchmeyer, as Executive Director of the Medical Board of California (the Medical Board), launched an investigation of Geoffrey Phillips,...

04, Dec

Understanding The Nature Of Personal Injury Law

Personal injury is a subset of a large umbrella of the law called torts. It offers legal rights to victims of physical or psychological injuries, which come as a result of the wrongdoing or carelessness of another person, government, company or entity. There are different types of personal injury under...