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Personal Injury

Truck Accident

San Diego Truck Accident Lawyers Trucks on the road usually have a my way or the highway attitude. Worse yet, when they cause an accident, their insurance companies fight tooth and nail on these cases. This is because usually the clients have substantial injuries and the insurance companies know that. So, they resort to the tactic they know best.

“DENY, DELAY, DISTRACT.” Deny The first thing the insurance company usually does in cases like this, is if they can find any reason however small to deny the claim they will. They will go as far “manufacturing” facts to change the story of what happened. If you have been in a truck accident in San Diego you definitely need a lawyer that has experience with trucking cases. Delay The second thing they do is delay. They do this to tire you out, so you could settle your claim for less. They also do this in the hopes to financially drain you or your attorney so you would accept less on your case. We have experience with these cases and know how to litigate them. It is extremely crucial that all of the evidence be preserved as close as possible to when the events took place. This includes preserving what is called the ESI units. 

Trucking Accident

An ESI unit is the electronic unit on each truck, sort of like a black box that usually collects and stores data when a crash takes place between a truck and another vehicle. Its important to hire experts, such as an accident re-constructionist to go out there and take photographs of the scene and take accurate measurements to be able to recreate the accident. If you’ve been in a trucking accident, these claims can take up to 2 years or longer, and you certainly need an attorney who has experience with these cases and is willing to go toe to toe with the insurance companies. Distract The final thing they do is distract. They do this by hiring paid experts and doctors who they have used a number of times in the past and essentially a lot of them are on their payroll to give “opinions” based on the facts. The same facts that they “manufactured” or changed so it would fit into their narrative. 


1. Speak to an attorney immediately: It is not recommended to handle these cases under any circumstances on your own. Do not speak to the insurance companies and contact an attorney immediately.

2. Make sure to review the police report for accuracy: After you have received the police report make sure you review it for accuracy. If you believe something that you said has not been properly transcribed by the officer, it is extremely important to contact the police agency and file an amended to the police report. This is because that information can be crucial to liability determinations on the case later on.
3. Be careful about what you post on social media: These days social media has become a place where insurance companies and their lawyers like to snoop around to get information about you to take things out of context and minimize your injuries. It is best not to post anything about the collision on your social media. Better yet, make sure you change the privacy settings on your social media accounts so the insurance company adjusters and their attorneys cannot get access to your social media accounts.

How We Can Help

At no cost to you we will employ all the experts needed on your case. These cases are heavily litigated, and we will be there for you every step of the way to guide you through the process of obtaining FULL justice.

Common injuries we see in a San Diego Truck accident:

Frequently Asked Questions

Depending on the circumstances you are entitled to recover damages for

  • past and future medical care;
  • Past and future pain and suffering;
  • past and future lost wages and
  • Property damage.

In some rare instances, you may also be entitled to punitive damages if for example the person who caused the harm was intoxicated when the injuries producing event happened.

No. Under no circumstance should you settle your case without having an attorney review the case. Insurance companies do not have your best interest in mind. Statistic shows claimant’s that have a personal injury lawyer prior to settling their claim on average receive four times as much than not having a personal injury lawyer. We strongly recommend that you contact a San Diego truck accident lawyer prior to signing and accepting any offer. We cannot stress how important it is that you hire the right personal injury law firm, that has the required resources to properly investigate, litigate and ultimately try these cases if need be. At Rejali Law Firm, we have tried cases and are not afraid to stand up for what is right and what is just. We live, sleep, and breathe justice and will make sure you get fully compensated for all the harms and losses that were caused to you in a San Diego truck accident case. Remember, you don’t pay us a penny unless and until we win-Guaranteed. Car us for your free case evaluation. Do not go into these cases on your own under any circumstance.

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