By Omid Rejali, Esq.
Insurance companies have become very bold during the pandemic with their unreasonable offers. That’s because with no jury trials in sight they have no incentive to settle claims. Jury trials act as checks and balances against the insurance companies. Without them, the insurance company is taking advantage of the situation and attempting to offer unreasonably low offers in the hopes that because you may need the money now to accept their offer. Here are three reasons why you should not settle your San Diego Car Accident case during the pandemic.
1) You Will Certainly Get a Lower Offer
You will certainly get a lower offer of what the value of your case is. That’s because insurance companies assess the value of your case based on risk. As your case generally gets closer to trial, the risk to the insurance company increases and so they generally offer you more money. Without the risk of a trial, there is absolutely no reason for them to offer you any reasonable amount.
2) The Insurance Companies Offer Will Likely Not Even Cover Your Medical Bills
I have been hearing from colleagues that the insurance companies have even taken on more bold moves by further disputing the amounts and necessity of the medical bills you owe as a result of something they have caused. This was always a problem, but now they are going to extremes and arguing for example if you owe $10,000 in medical bills to your doctors that they will only cover half of that. Again, they have become emboldened by the pandemic and the fact that there is no trial in sight.
3) Once Jury Trials Resume You’re Case’s Value Will Increase
On the flip side of what I am discussing, as soon as jury trials resume, which could be towards the end of 2021, the insurance companies will again assess their positions and will likely increase their offers. This of course hinges on the assumption that the attorney you have or hire is the type that is willing to take your case to trial and has done so in the past should that be necessary.
Don’t let the insurance companies use the pandemic as an excuse to get away with the injuries their insured caused. I talk about the insurance companies, because they are the one’s behind everything. The person who caused your injuries may be the direct cause, but the insurance companies are the one’s that are running the show. Their insured (the person who caused the collision) has virtually no say in the outcome and has a responsibility to cooperate with his or her insurance, so they will cover him or her. In other words, they are also a pawn in the insurance companies game.
Hang in there. This too shall pass, and justice will prevail.
Thank you for reading my blog. I hope this helps you.
If you have any other questions, feel free to contact my office at 619-887-4148, send us a text message to 619-485-6313, send me an email at omid@rejalilawfirm.com or leave us a message here and we will get back to you.
Born to get you JUSTICE!
The Power of Patience and Resilience During Your Injury Claim
Personal Injury Pandemic Scams and How to Overcome Them
Settlement vs. Trial value of Your San Diego Car Accident Claim